A Woman Loses an Arm Due to a Shark Attack, But Preserves Her Love for the Ocean and Her Body
Bethany Hamilton stands out as an iconic figure in the world of professional sports. Her remarkable journey began at the tender age of 3 when she first took to the waves, and now, at 33, she still competes with unwavering determination. Bethany epitomizes resilience and fortitude, displaying remarkable courage by returning to the sea without fear, even after a harrowing encounter with a shark. Despite losing an arm due to a shark attack, Bethany’s determination never waned. It didn’t hinder her pursuit of her passions, finding the love of her life, and ultimately becoming a mother to three children.
“I wouldn’t change what happened to me.”
When Bethany was 13, a tiger shark attacked her, resulting in the loss of her left arm. However, just one month after the incident, Bethany displayed remarkable resilience by returning to her surfboard and embarking on the path to becoming a national surf champion.
Relearning how to maintain her balance on the board proved to be a challenging endeavor for Bethany, but she refused to relinquish her passion. She made the decision not to use a prosthetic with flexible joints, recognizing that it wouldn’t significantly aid her cause. To enhance her control over the board, her father, Tom, ingeniously crafted a special handle to help prevent her from falling while paddling out to ride the waves.

In 2004, Bethany published her autobiography, titled Soul Surfer: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Fighting to Get Back on the Board. Seven years later, in 2011, this inspiring book was adapted into the movie Soul Surfer.
At one point, she was asked if she would choose to prevent the shark attack if given the chance, to which she responded, “I wouldn’t change what happened to me because then I wouldn’t have this chance, in front of all of you, to embrace more people than I ever could have with two arms.”
“I’m happy with the way that I look.”

Bethany’s profound passion for surfing propelled her back into her training swiftly and offered her valuable life insights. She once shared, “I’ve learned that life is a lot like surfing. When you get caught in the impact zone, you need to get right back up because you never know what’s over the next wave… and if you have faith, anything is possible, anything at all.”
Yet, she also acknowledged the societal pressures that can impact individuals, particularly in the realm of appearance. The cultural fixation on achieving the perfect body had its influence on Bethany. In response, she endeavored to shift her focus toward recognizing genuine beauty, emphasizing qualities like “kindness, compassion, thoughtfulness, determination, honesty, loveliness, just being a good friend, and all of the true good that you have to offer to this world.” She believed that the celebration of physical perfection often receives excessive attention.

Now, Bethany is a confident woman that knows and loves her own body and helps others having faith in themselves, “I’m happy with the way that I look, and I don’t need an arm to be beautiful. Instead of focusing on what I didn’t like about my body or my limitations, I choose to be grateful for the remarkable body that I have.”
But it hasn’t always been like this. As a teenager, she was worried about not looking like others, and she was shy about her arm, especially when she was on the beach. Years later, she realized that all of us are unique, and she’s chosen a path of gratitude for what she has. And here’s a piece of advice she follows every day, “I encourage you to find routines, foods and exercises that keep your body healthy and make you feel good. Just take small steps at a time and don’t focus on trying to be ‘skinny’ or looking a certain way, but on taking care of yourself.”